Image: Chicago tribune
While schools offers certificate after completion, education offers growth, knowledge base and personified certificate.

Education makes people see you as the certificate not you trying to show some accredited papers. It takes you to the core of learning while schooling gets you to seriously prepare for exams makes you believe your learning just for that exam. You will find out that after the exam your head is as empty as it was before preparing for the exam. I call this kind of learning emergency learning. Learning is for a lifetime.

You can’t leave learning in the school system. The lecturers live off handouts since their salaries aren’t enough,live off the sales of handouts which the make compulsory for students to buy, a practice which can be traced even to primary schools.

In my secondary school I can remember how they force us to partake of lessons after school in order to raise funds as another source of income for the teachers. If you don’t partake of it, you are in trouble and if you don’t pay ,you’re in soup. They will shorten the teachings which you have the right to during normal school hours only to continue it in their school lesson business.Then you come to school next day and you wonder what happened to the topic your teacher was teaching previously only to find out that they have concluded it in the lesson period. We have bunch of hungry and angry teachers who have made student believe in certificate ,that it’s the quickest road to success and wealth,yet their lives spells the opposite.

My worst nightmare happened to me in my secondary school days. I went to boys only college ,the rate of beating there is absolutely insane .They beat us like animals for all manners .When you owe them money they’ll beat you.At the slightest provocation or mistake ,its beating.Some teachers even try to show their beating skills ,competing for the best beater in the mind of the students.

I am brilliant though thanks to my personal reading adventures .But the beatings took school out of me sir. All these inhumane acts in our schools makes a dull and frustrated students out of anyone. Education is for a lifetime while schooling is for a short period of time. Education makes you the certificate . Education is the platform for learners who want to face life and business not exams and tests.

Knowledge is power but it is the classroom of education that paves the to knowledge. We have brilliant students that are life’s total dummies .The school produce people whose aim are to find jobs to secure their lives . They give absolute distraction to student in the disguise of offering them many irrelevant subjects .Someone loves chemistry and they make other irrelevant subjects compulsory as a result you loose the taste to really get to know the subject you love.

Steve Jobs had to leave this kind of frustration to opt in into the class that interest him and that helped him in the development of his technologies later in life.School makes you major on the minors .Taking your attention away from what you love forcing it on irrelevant minors which is one of many reasons brilliant student gets bored and become average.

A jack of all trade sir,is a servant of none. When the schooling is over what have you really learnt that is applicable to your life and business? Is it that bunch of theories ? Please what can you take to face life with? That’s why entrepreneurs have always been the ones who stepped out of this system or went the extra miles to ensure their lives and businesses. They could see the future ,discern the lectures where its taking them ,read for exams while they study to conquer life’s battles and obstacles. They look further and carry out research on their own in order to produce product and services that will make the lives of their fellow man better .

The school system made the students to depend on them to know what to do next or study next. But the entrepreneurs knows exactly what to add to a line of thought or ideas, where to get additional information and how to tap into them for practical use and not for short term storage.

Anyone becomes illiterate when he/she stops learning after 5 years .So its not the certificate that certifies you as a literate person , it’s your continuous learning that validates your literacy . We have many educated illiterate who are of no use to the labour market . They brag about former knowledge which has become outdated .They refuse to upgrade ,they refuse to get latest information about their chosen field.

Education is a longterm process that will never stop. You get into school then suddenly you’ll start living for certificate then you come out living for salary .What a circle .You can’t afford that kind of lifestyle. Don’t get schooled but be educated . You can only succeed through education .

There are no limits to what you can learn if you will just read books that are of interest to you .There is a world inside that book cover that you may never discover within the school walls .It is your choice what you make with your life. Choose wisely,choose education.

Source: Africanbusinessclassroom
