How to Make Money in Nigeria: 5 Practical Steps

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Yes! There is a how in making money, even in Nigeria. So you are interested in making money in Nigeria? Congratulations! But please note that making money in Nigeria has no magic attached, it just as similar it will be in Kenya, South-Africa or Congo, but still the need arose to teach you how you can make money in Nigeria because of some vital reasons.

One among those vital reasons is the fact that Nigeria is a unique country, so unique in a lot of ways which makes the way things happen (including making money) in Nigeria slightly different from the rest of African countries and the world. That was why this tutorial was written to tell you how to make money in Nigeria. However, some of the tips I am going to be sharing with you are global in nature, and so they are tips and ideas that can make you money weather you are from Ghana, Zimbabwe or Cameroon.

At the end of this article, you will have understood how to make money in Nigeria legitimately. But wait a minute, did I ask you why you want to make money in Nigeria?

The truth I must tell you is the fact that making money in Nigeria or any other country will be almost impossible without you stating a clear reason why you really want to make money or become rich. Why did I say that? There is this old saying that goes “where there is a will there is a way” I believe that because I have never seen or heard of a tremendous success ever achieved without a strong will born of desire. What you need first is not the way but the will, deciding why you need to make money is one key thing that automatically brings your will to life and sets it ablaze. And finding a will now creates the motivation you need to follow the way.

Why you need to make money in Nigeria is a product of your will, so find it. How to make money in Nigeria is the way, I will show you!

Below are the five (5) practical things which you can do in order to make money in Nigeria. They are not just things but are ways, not just ways that are obvious to the common man, they are secrets! Above all they are ways that almost everybody can follow.

Also note that they are not arranged a specific order. Shall we? Alright let’s gear in…

1. Start your own business.
This is the  ultimate way to make money and to make it exponentially. The richest man in the African continent Aliko Dangote is rich through his businesses and he is still making more money because he is an owner of businesses. Strive Masiyiwa, the richest man in Zimbabwe is a business man too, and yes he owns a lot of business like Dangote. Mike Adenuga, the second richest man in Nigeria is also a business man. Patrick Ngowi, the Tanzanian Helvetic Solar CEO, was named among the youngest millionaires in Africa by Forbes, oh common the guy is a business owner too. If I keep listing the names you will get bored along the line, do you know why? This is because the names will be too much for you to read or count.

None of these guys would have been so rich if they had become or remained the employees of the government or other rich people of their days.

You might be there asking me or saying “but all these men you mentioned are owners of big and gigantic companies or businesses, is that not why they are rich?”

The answer is “yes” but it will be “No” if you think that was how they started. Aliko Dangote started by selling sweets and mints in class when he was still a small boy in school and later he started helping his grand-father in selling goods in the northern city of Kano. Today he is the owner of Dangote group. Similarly, Strive Masiyiwa in one of his stories said that he started selling sweets when he was in school. Today he is the owner of Econet Wireless and  KweseTV . During the days of his life’s wilderness, Mike Adenuga was once a taxi driver and a security gateman, and today he is the owner of Globacom popularly known as Glo, the second largest communications company in Nigeria. Patrick Ngowi, started his business by selling recharge cards and the later mini-importation of solar power banks and similar appliances. Today this 31 year old is the owner of Helvetic Solar, a big company that provides solar electrical solutions to millions of people in East Africa.

All of these men started from almost nothing, but there was a will and a vision which all of them had. So if you are there saying that they are rich because they own big companies, always remember their stories about how they started with almost nothing.

I was watching a movie the other time and the key character of the movie was saying to a lady (who was advising him to start his own business after being fired from his job) that “I don’t like starting a business or a corporation, starting a business is such a big work to do” Can you imagine that? Starting and running a business can be tough if you don’t know how, or if you refuse to get guidance.

Do not be like that guy that said starting a business is a big work. Be optimistic!

There is no better way to become rich than being a business owner. Start your own business, become your own boss or the boss of others rather than working for another person. That is how the rich become rich and even richer!

2. Acquire assets not liabilities
Assets make you rich, if you want to make money in Nigeria learn how to gather assets. That is one major secret of the rich, they spend all or most of their lives acquiring assets and then those assets pump money into their accounts even while they sleep.

Again this is an idea that works anywhere in the world one it is applied wisely and effectively. It is important for you to understand that anything bringing no money into your account is simply not an asset but a liability.

The rich understand this secret which is why they become richer day by day. Becoming a business owner makes it even easier for you to gather more assets faster than you could ever do. Let me tell you one secret, do you know that despite the fact that our economy in Nigeria is currently bad, it has being an advantage to a lot of smart businessmen and entrepreneurs?

I will explain why. You see, now that our economy is at the verge of crashing and our currency is dangling, things are becoming more expensive in the market, have you noticed that?

Alright have you also noticed that it’s only the poor that lament over this unfortunate situation?

Why is that happening?

Because anytime a country falls in such economic situations, a lot of people (especially the poor and middle class) sell out their assets to the rich at cheaper prices out of despair because they want to ensure survival of the fittest. All with the hope that sooner or later the economy will turn out to be favorable, thereby making it possible to get some of their assets back. But that is not always the case.
Image: Africajumpstart

So you can see that even when a nation’s economy is bad buying assets become easier and cheaper. That’s why the rich do not complain, only the poor do.

Acquiring assets is obviously one of the major secrets on how to make money in Nigeria. Get more assets and fewer liabilities.

Reading books is inevitably one of the ultimate secrets of wealth. The significance of books cannot be over emphasized. One of the reasons why only few people are rich in Africa is because we take business lightly and we don’t invest in business books. If you believe the lies that school taught you about life and wealth, then it’s nearly impossible to make money in Nigeria or any part of the globe. You can never be rich working for another person, to make money you need to learn how money is made. To learn how money is made you must learn from people who made it before you by reading their books. Why because after so many years, that person might die without you having the opportunity to sit down and have him mentor you live and direct. But by buying their books, you hear them speak to you, teach you and mentor you in business. Educate yourself about business.

Business in Nigeria has its own pros and cons, but by reading a business book from businessmen In Nigeria, you are sure to be guided by the hand. If you want to make money in Nigeria, then you MUST develop a habit of reading, else other reader will out-smart you.

4. Discover business opportunities in Nigeria to make money in  Nigeria. 
This is a must do and do you know why? Because business opportunities are hidden to the average man, only the financially smart discover those opportunities. For you to make money in Nigeria, one of the first and basic things you must do is to discover those opportunities and business ideas from which you will make your money from.

Solid wealth that is powered by smart business ideas cannot be seen with your two eyes. You need to be trained on how to see beyond your two eyes before they will be exposed to you through your mind. When you discover and explore those business opportunities in Nigeria, then making money in Nigeria will be fun for you.

5. Visit this website at least twice a week.
This is one simple and practical thing you can do to educate yourself about business in Nigeria and Africa. All over this website you will find tons of tutorials about every aspect of business ranging from how to start, run and make money from a business. Visiting this website at least twice a week to read our tutorials can make you achieve all other four ways to make money in Nigeria stated above. All the tutorials are free to read and share to your friends.

Nairachief  is not just a blog but an organization and a movement. Africans must take responsibilities for their own life, is what we are advocating for. Teaching Africans like you to become successful business owners is what we do here.

We love you, and we want you to make money in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. That can only be achieved if you decide to become a business owner, do not worry about how to go about it, that is why our tutorials are here to help and guide you.

Take that decision today!

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