13 Best Mobile App Students Must Have

The truth of our modern times is that you probably won’t find a student who does not use innovative gadgets today. It is also true that students use different mobile applications not only for entertainment, but for studying as well. Both Apple and Android provide dozens of programs and apps for college students that can be very informative and useful if you want to keep up with the times and boost your studying process. Every student probably knows plenty of applications that fit his or her needs most, but there are still some mobile “helpers” no student should live without. We are here to tell you about 25 of them.

1. Any.do
Millions of people use Any.Do to organize their tasks. This application is perfect for students who need to create a to-do list. It also synchronize all tasks with other devices so that the list can be accessed from anywhere. Add new entries to the list with the help of touch-based interface, or use your voice to create tasks.

You can change the priority of your entry, mark a task as completed, or even shake your device to remove all completed tasks from it. The Any.Do widget can be added to your home screen for quick and easy access.

2. Mailbox
Do you often have troubles with your email? Is it frustrating to control your inbox because it lacks features? Then it’s high time to download Mailbox to your mobile device and forget about all these problems at once.

Different swipe commands will help you keep your inbox clean, archive the emails you’ve already read, set various reminders, work with several emails at the same time, and always stay on the top of your inbox despite the constant stream of incoming messages college students often face.

3. Dropbox
No college student will be afraid of losing his notes or coursework anymore! Thanks to Dropbox, you have a chance to upload different files (documents, photos, videos) in the cloud and get them online whenever you need, even if you forget your phone at home. The only thing needed to access your files is an Internet connection.

Store your files in Dropbox, and share them with friends without any fear of losing important and useful data.

4. Feed.ly
College students always want to know everything and keep their eyes on the ball, but it may be quite difficult to do because of constant deadlines, part-time jobs, overdue essays, exams, etc. Feed.ly is here to help you deal with this problem. This is one of the best RSS aggregators. It lets you consolidate all news into one feed. Just check the news you would like to receive, and get notifications every time something interesting appears. Nothing could be easier, huh?

5. Scribd
Welcome to the world’s biggest library online! Scribd helps students find millions of different documents and books that are important for your studies. All those data are shared by people from all over the world, and you can easily curate and organize them according to their topic.

Create your own library with different notes, texts, and books that you need. Share them with your friends, and find all the information with Scribd.

6. CliffsNotes
This one is perfect for those students who study literature and write papers on things they’ve read. CliffsNotes will provide you with information about every character, plot, or theme, as well as summaries of every book you read. The audio version is available here, so you can listen to all this info during walks or work to get ready for literature tests.

7. Mathway
Oh yes, your math homework or tests may be quite challenging. It is so easy to stuck trying to find the right answer. Try Mathway—the mobile application that will guide you step-by-step while you search for algebra, geometry, or any other math solution. Enter your task into the application, and check if your solution is the same with one offered.

8. iTunes U
If you’re a student who uses Apple devices, you will be happy to know that you have access to iTunes U, which gives you access to different educational courses from all leading universities for free! Did you dream of studying at MIT, Oxford, Yale, or Cambridge? This is your chance to do it from your own place: download this amazing app, and learn various subjects from the best colleges and universities in the world.

9. EasyBib
What is the most difficult stage of essay writing? The majority of college students would probably say: creating a list of citations (do not forget that you have to know MLA or APA style to format it). If you are one of these students, EasyBib is the right app for you to download. Just enter a book’s title and get the right citation! All you have to do is copy this citation into your bibliography.

10. Studious
How often do you forget about the date and time of your test? Do you always know the deadline of your homework, the time of your next lecture, and the subject of your next class? Thanks to Studious, this problem will be solved once and forever. All you need to do is to enter all information about your class, time, professor, location, etc., and this cool application will remind you about it just in time!

11. Dictionary.com
This is the perfect application for words enthusiasts and everyone who has to read many books on different topics, where you might come across some tricky words. Dictionary.com makes it easy to find the definition of every word you are not sure about. One small bonus for those students who like spying on their classmates: this application allows them see what words people around are them looking for.

12. The Oxford Dictionary
This is one more application for your mobile device that will help you understand English words better. It’s easy and quick to use: just enter the needed word into the app, and get its detailed definition at once. Rare words, both with British and American variants, audio pronunciations, all new words—all this will help you understand the English language better, even if it is your native one.

13. SelfControl
College students are so easily distracted from the studying process! They can’t live without social networks, they always need to check new photos of their friends on Facebook, or share their mood with the world during a lecture. To avoid such distractions, the SelfControl application has been created: it blocks certain websites that can distract you from studying, and it does it for a set amount of time. So, when a lecture is finished, you are welcome to come back to your fave websites again!

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