11. Time will fail me to say how I missed you.
You being down is like I'm losing part of me.
All I want is for you to get on your feet!
Please promise me you will soon.

12. If doctors try their very best
And there is an emptiness within,
Since healing didn't come quick…
I am here to feel the emptiness within you,
And you will see yourself better shortly.

13. In struggles and pains,
In weakness and sickness,
Just remember this one thing...
I will be there for you.
Please get well soon.

14. Take your pills they will help,
Eat some food, they will help more.
But above it all, be strong within!
It takes your inside to get quick delivery.
Be well soon dear.

15. If all wishes come true,
I will wish that I take all your pains,
Your struggles and your sickness.
I can't stand you being sick,
Please get well.

16. If I am a magician,
I will transfer your sickness to my body in seconds.
But I am your lover, and so I will help you get strong.
I love you.

17. Like oceans are formed with few drops,
Your health shall come in a moment.
Just stay strong within,
And I will be here for you too.
Get well soonest my love.

18. A day without you is like thousands,
A moment without you is but gloom upon gloom!
I missed the moments we shared together,
Please get well and I will be glad.

19. I understand how you feel,
In am so sorry for not being there.
Please forgive me, and get well soon.

20. This is taking too long,
And it is really telling on me too.
Don't make me feel sad more than I am,
Get well soon, I plead.


21. It doesn't matter how long this has been.
And it's irrelevant how much pain you've lived through.
I am assured it's all over and your strength is renewed.
It is well with you in Jesus name.

22. This may be your worst moment,
But it won't be your end.
The time of refreshing, soon shall come,
And songs of testimonies you shall sing.
You will be well.

23. Your strength will not fail
And your might will not wane;
You may be down today,
But renewal is just by the way.
Lay hold of it and it is well with you.
24.I know your body may be weak,
But sure your heart is strong.
Stay strong inside your heart,
And watch how you quickly recover.
You will get well soon.

25. I hope this makes every feeble thing in you bubble,
Like as a horse that has its strength.
I hope it makes you come back alive, like a phoenix.
Stay strong within and don't you lose hope.
All will be well with you.

26. Healing with speed
Strength never the less
Might as viable as a seed
And recovery in the express
I wish you quick recovery.

27. I sincerely hope that once again:
You'll find the ease to smile
And the speed to walk the miles.
You will soon be filled with gale,
And your strength won't be frail.
You will get well, and all shall be well with you. Amen.

28. Don't mind what the report says,
Don't mind the prescription of drugs.
Only mind just one thing....
That God is the greatest healer.
You will get well soon.

29. The doctors have rightly said,
"We cure but God heals."
I hereby leave you in God's hands,
And I trust He will heal you now.
You are healed in Jesus name.

30. I am not happy the way things are with you,
I feel so terrible seeing you on sick bed.
I want you to promise me just this...
That you will be better in minutes.
Please get well soon.

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