The Difference Between Admission On Jamb & That On School Website

  • I have been admitted on Jamb website or portal but not on my school portal or website.

  • Jamb has given me admission but my school have not yet given me admission.
  • What’s the difference between Jamb admission list and school admission list?
  • Is it good to get admission in Jamb website but not yet on the school website?
These are questions and concerns that has been raised by many people who has seen they admission on Jamb website but on the school portal or website, they are still seeing Not admitted or No admission is given yet or Admission still in progress.
Here is this article, I will be given an answer to clarify your doubt on whether jamb admission list is genuine or how the admission is been given.

What Is The Difference Between Jamb Admission And School Admission

To answer it simply, there is no difference.
Look at how the admission processes are been done.
Stage 1. People will register for Jamb during Jamb registration and all they details will be stored on Jamb website concerning the school and course they chose during registration .
Stage 2. When the time for Postume arrives, Jamb will then compile the names of those that applied in each school and send them to each of the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education involved.
Stage 3. Each school will then use those names and conduct postutme or screening as the case may be.
Stage 4. Schools will now compile the names of those that perform well in they screening which they have considered for admission or have given admission and send it to Jamb.
Last StageJamb will now upload those names sent to them by the school on they portal so that candidates can be able to print they admission letter.
Those are the steps involved in given admission which in essence means that all admission that was uploaded on Jamb website came from the school in question.
Jamb doesn’t give admission, but rather send names to school for admission.
Hope you are now clear on your doubts, do you still have more question?  Comment it below and I will try and respond as soon as I can.
