If you have a huge crush on one of your female teachers and looking for ways of how to make your move, then you have come to the right place. This article will give you tips on how to flirt with your female teacher subtly. Read on and good luck!
Choose a good Sitting Position during Class Sessions
The first thing to do would be to choose a strategic sitting position in the classroom – your female teacher will not notice you if she cannot see you! Choose a spot where you can make your presence felt without being too intrusive. Unless you are short-sighted or have problems with your hearing, avoid sitting right at the front of the class just next to her – this will make it too obvious that you are trying to get her attention and her defenses will go up. Similarly, sitting at the back of the class will make you appear mischievous and immature and you will soon find yourself in her bad books. Hence, find a spot in the middle of the room, but not among a crowd of students (always sit next to a wall). Try maintaining a single sitting spot in your classes so that she always knows where to find you during class sessions.
Prepare for Lectures and Understand the Material Well
Study hard to become the top student in your class and strive to widen your knowledge so that you build your mature status. This way, you can answer your teacher’s difficult questions, particularly those that your classmates have no clue about, and you will be able to get her attention. Ensure that your answer is well articulated, logical and sensible – you ought to have a firm grip of what you are talking about and be able to hold a conversation with her about the topic after class. However, do not look like you are trying too hard to impress her or challenging her for an academic showdown. It will backfire on you.
Acknowledge her
Always acknowledge her whenever you bump into her around the school; say a simple “hello!”, “good afternoon!” or “good evening!” If you are not able to greet her, give her a warm smile or wave at her enthusiastically. And if she has time to talk, ask her how she is doing and listen keenly to what she says. Tell her that you enjoyed her previous lecture and are looking forward to the next one. Such verbal expressions would make her believe that you are compassionate and care about her feelings (any female, regardless of their age or social status likes such a trait in a man).
Make Friends with Her
While conversations about classroom stuff are good for a start, try to transition from them gradually and start talking about general stuff. Talking about things happening in real life will make you look more mature and socially adept. You may talk about her favorite sport, film, television show or current events (note that the focus here is on things that interest her, not you). If you show genuine interest in her, she will also want to know more about you. But whatever you do, avoid vulgar language, personal topics or asking too many questions – do not let her think that you are invading her privacy or personal space. Being rude will kill your dreams, so be helpful and respectful always.
Compliment Her
Only compliment her AFTER you have made friends. Compliments are good way to flirt, but you will have to keep them subtle when flirting with your teacher. For instance, say “that’s a really nice handbag/dress/pair of shoes, Miss Parker”. Do not say “you look so beautiful/alluring, Miss Parker.” Do not compliment her on her physical traits.
Stand out from the Crowd
Apart from showing keener interest in your class work than your classmates, you may also separate yourself from the crowd by having a unique sense of fashion and style. Always look attractive and classy. Wear well-fitting trendy clothes, maintain a good hygiene and wear nice cologne. If you wear uniform in your school, do it properly as you will look mature, smart and sophisticated. She will notice and may even compliment you!
There are no guarantees that these techniques will work. Your female teacher may be married and your advances may not be welcome at all. In some areas, it is unlawful for teachers to engage in love relationships with their students. Those found could be arrested, compromised or fired.