How To Easily Gain Admission Into Nigerian Tertiary Institutions

I have been writing JAMB for the pass five (5) years now without scoring more than 202/400. I want to study accounting at the University of Lagos. My parents are no longer interested in my education since they are now tired of my constant failure in JAMB. My peers now see me as an unserious person who has no plan for her life. I am now thinking of getting married to my five months old fiancée’ who wants to marry me, but due to my university plans, I have been saying no to him. Please, I am not getting any younger, so tell me: is there any easy way to gain admission in Nigeria?

Seriously, that could be you saying these words, but I tell you, if the story of the girl above resonates with your present circumstance, then that circumstance is about to change for the better.

Admission in Nigeria is getting harder by the year and this even has great consequences for those who are still looking for admission since they are greeted with the ever increasing figures of both new and old competitors every year.

Now, to the question: is there any easy way to gain admission in Nigeria?

Well, to be true to you, there are no easy ways to get admitted in Nigeria. Yes! As frustrating that may sound, we cannot hide from the obvious truth – admission in Nigeria is not easy. Thousands leading to the millions of candidates register for JAMB every year and this figure keeps increasing, and the admission spaces are limited.

The only thing you can do is to ease the process by observing some rules which if followed and believed in, it could help you get admitted into that tertiary institution of your dream. That is what this article is all about – to provide those rules for you to follow and help you ease the process to admission success.

In the 2012/2013 admission process, 1,503,889 candidates registered for JAMB and according to NUC, only 500,000 of these 1.5 million candidates were tipped to gain admission into the various Nigerian tertiary institutions. Now tell me, what will then happen to the remaining 1,003,889 candidates, with many of them qualified for admission? Sit for JAMB again and probably suffer the same fate, year in, year out?

Or get involved in examination malpractice to save them some shame, time, and money? The truth is that, these questions can only be answered correctly by those candidates not awarded admission and nobody else, not even me; I just help with the process of answering these questions. Ok, that is not all; let us still see more analysis from the 2012 admission process.

The Vice Chancellor of UNIZIK, Prof. Boniface Egboka said out of over 80,000 candidates who took part in the institution’s Post-UTME and were qualified for admission, but only about 3,700 would be privileged to gain admission for the 2012/2013 session. Citing an example from the school’s law and medicine faculties where out of the 2,000 candidates who scored 291 in JAMB examination and should have qualified for admission but only 100 candidates would gain such.

As most candidates will always love to put the blame of their admission failure on the education system, blaming the university they applied to or the corruption in the system in general, they forget one thing – it’s only failures that put the blame of their admission failures on someone else. The university did not say you should fill them during your JAMB registration or the so-called corrupt system did not force you to decide to go to school. You just have to learn to be responsible for all your actions. What am I trying to say here? Simple! The things I will be introducing to you very soon will put your power of judgment to test. You will be making or about to make a decision that on a normal day, you may find it hard to make such a decision.

The first paragraph of this article shows us an illustration of the pains and frustrations a female JAMB candidate is facing. Some of us may say the cause of her admission failures maybe due to the fact that: she has being glued to the normal norm of things in Nigeria (everybody must be an Accountant, a Doctor, and an Engineer), she may be applying for a course she can never get, or she may be applying to the wrong school. If you suggest one or more of the above reasons for her failure to gain admission for the past five (5) years, then you are right.

However, that is not all. If I may ask, what do you see or find in common between the three reasons above? ….. I am waiting …. I am still waiting. Ok! For the sake of time, let me tell you in one word; it is “competition”. Competition you said? Yes! You heard me right, competition. Let me explain.

Firstly, she has been applying to a very competitive course (Accounting) and a very  competitive school (University of Lagos). A lot of candidates are so fascinated when they hear courses like: Medicine & Surgery, Accounting, Pharmacy, Economics, Mechanical Engineering and Nursing. But little did these candidates know about the competition level of these courses – these courses are very marketable courses which most people wouldn’t mind paying close to N500, 000 just to get one of these courses.

Many candidates fill courses they know nothing about. Just because they hear people talking about the hotness (marketability) of these courses, they just feel like; if I should get this course, my life will be hot. But I have one simple question for these candidates; is your life still going to be hot by the time you spend and waste your life looking for a hot life? Well, I guess there wouldn’t even be a life left in you to get the hot life you day dream for. Take a second to think about that.

Let just now assume that after five (5) years of staying at home, you now decide to use malpractice to get this competitive course in a very competitive school and the next challenge you then have to face is how to graduate from this hot school. The question now is; after all these, can you cope in that department and school? I tell you, you can never do well in that school studying that course you bribed your way just to study. Take my word for it.

It struck a chord in me when students say; guy, anything them give me, I go graduate with am. Candidly, this is laughable but it’s a very serious issue which needs to be addressed. The ideology of these kinds of youths has to be reformed, if we are to compete with or even get close to our counterparts overseas. If you can’t see yourself getting a first class or a second class upper from that department and school you wish to do your studies, then you should forget that course or university.

Competition into tertiary institutions in Nigeria is on the rise and we don’t see this trend sliding down soon. If you really want the easy way to get admitted, then you must be ready to make the hard decisions and take the tough road. Making the hard decisions and taking the tough roads will be our quest in this article.

“Beside Law and Medicine & Surgery, getting employed in any of the other profession could just be a matter of earning a good first degree, corresponding 2nd degree and professional certifications. The Labor market is biased towards grade than course of study, a good grade appears better than a good course.” (Source:
