9 Secrets To Becoming A Genius!!!

I hope you are doing well over there like i am? Alright let’s talk about learning today.

The significance of learning cannot be over emphasized; it is obvious that life itself is learning.

Learning in our generation has been abused in so many ways. Misunderstood by some people and neglected by others.

You are capable of learning anything under the sun which you want to learn.

But was that what school told you? You will know the answer later!

You will find out for yourself in this post some secrets you never knew about learning.

Please read every word to the end!

Here in this post today,  I am going to reveal to you 9 secrets of learning anything you want to learn!

Yes I said anything!

Without further ado, let’s row the boat into the oceans of understanding these 9 secrets!

Are you ready?

Now let’s go!

1. Know what Education and Learning is.

Hear the words of Albert Einstein “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think!”

That is what education is in essence.

School makes you believe that certificate is education. How dumb!

That is why some your course mates so value certificate to such an extent that they even cheat in exams just to obtain it at the end of the day.

Can you imagine that?

School made you believe that learning of facts and piling them up in your brain is Education. Unfortunately that is a direct contradiction of the true meaning of education. Do you know why?

Because learning and memorization of facts narrows your brain and its scope of creativity when education is supposed to train and broaden you mind instead of narrowing it.

Can you see how school has failed you?

Learning is not just getting to know more facts day by day. No my dear friend that’s not learning.

A fact is something that is known to be true.

For example, you teacher could say “rain comes from the sky” or “birds stay in nest” that’s a fact. Now then he asks you memorize it you now repeat after him on and on.

And at the end of the day he (the teacher) will be proud that he has taught you something new. You too will go home that day feeling happy that you have learned something new.

As years pass by and you come to the higher institution, the same process repeats itself. But this time you get lectured about those facts and then go to read and research some of the facts by yourself.

All with the aim of learning!

What nonsense is that? hmmmmn…..

Does that actually make sense to you?

It didn’t make sense but you couldn’t talk, all because school (95% ) is against you saying out your mind.

As far as the school system is concerned, saying out your mind means being stubborn or not disciplined.

Ok let me ask you this question;

Which one is better between going to research and finding out a new truth in which world never had, or researching to discover the facts which other scientist found out 100 years ago?

You know the answer!

What do you need a fact for when it has already been discovered, proven, accepted and implemented?

What you need is a new truth, a new answer and a new solution to the present day problem.

So the first secret of learning anything is to understand what learning itself means, and have I told you what learning is?

Learning is the understanding of new things and discovering better ways to do things (solving problems).

After understanding what learning means, then….

2. Decide what to learn.

In most schools you don’t get to decide what to learn. You were forced to offer 12 to 14 subjects in your JSS classes and 9 in your SSS classes.

No teacher ever cared to ask you if you love all those subjects or not. They think it’s natural for you to love everything they teach you, but I am sorry they were not thinking right!

Yes your teachers were not thinking right!

They were wrong, not because they wanted to but because they were trained in the same school system in the same manner.

That was why they thought you are dumb, abnormal or stubborn whenever you expressed your hatred for Physics, Mathematics or Government in any form.


They never knew that you were being natural. Look! there is something about human beings, and let me tell you what it is. Human beings are wired and designed to make choices and not to be forced to do anything.

That is why even though God in heaven has the power to make you serve him, but yet he gave you two options (life and death) to choose from. He created you for his pleasure but yet it’s your choice to be or not to be.

But here is a system called school!

A system that has no regard for God’s way of doing things…..

You had no say on what and how to learn.

That’s how bad school is, school makes you a zombie, it enslaves you! The truth which you and i know is that no slave enjoys learning. You need freedom to learn!

Am sorry if that hurts, but that is the truth.

School never opened your eyes to the mystery behind taking a personal decision about what to learn. Whenever you decide to learn anything, there is this sense of responsibility that comes upon you. The kind of responsibility inspires motivation which keeps you going in learning is what I am talking about here.

You have to sit down and think, ask yourself questions and take a deliberate decision to learn that thing you want to learn.

That’s the second secret of learning.

Say to yourself;

I want to learn pig farming.

I want to learn web-designing.

I want to learn public speaking.

I want to learn Fish farming, Negotiation, Exportation, Blogging or anything general like Business etc.

It’s not all about learning these things or any other thing, do you know why?

Because wanting to learn anything isn’t just enough to produce a solid decision but the desire to learn it will produce an unshakable.

Therefore have strong desire to learn that thing you want to learn, only then will your decisions be firm.

Take a decision today to learn that business or skill, when that is done, then……

3. Study what you want to learn.

In plain English!

To study something means to investigate it, observe it, look at it, or reading to understand that thing.

Unlike most schools will make you believe, we study to use what we have learned not to pass the so called test or examination they gave us.

In the school system, the major reason for studying is to pass examination and graduate with a good grade, and then find a good job…. Can you imagine that?

Only a dumb person will think jobs exist in this present world.

Yet you were made to believe that you study to get a good job and then make money!

Sorry to disappoint you but that’s a lie…..

We study to use what we have learned to create solutions. Solution to people’s problem, solution that creates jobs for people (because we need more job creators not job seekers), solutions that brings us financial fortune in return.

That’s why we study, if you study for any other reason then you will leave your world worst than you met it.

So what am I saying here?

You have known what learning is.

You have also identified and decided what to learn.

Now go ahead and study (learn) that thing.

Find out everything possible about it as much as you can. Ask questions about it, read books about it, attend trainings and seminars about it.

If you want to learn about a business, study that business! Learning comes with study.

If you want to learn about poultry business attend trainings and read books or manuals about poultry.

Study, study and study……

You can learn anything you want to learn…..

If in the process of learning you encounter a challenge or a problem, then the next secret will help you.

4. Study with a specimen.

Often in learning, we encounter some problems or challenges. These challenges make learning difficult for us. Leaning in its original form is supposed to be fun not full of troubles.

Fortunately those troubles can be identified, and if only you find out the cause of that study-trouble you encountered then you can fix it.

Study with a specimen.

This is the first step for ensuring a stress-free and fun-full learning. This is because it is the first barrier of study and learning generally.

A specimen is the physical representation of what we study.

Other professionals and educators in the world of learning call specimen to be MASS.

According to L. RON HUBBARD, the real things or objects which you study about are called mass.

You see……

It makes no sense to go about studying something without seeing it, why?

That’s because what you study has not been connected to a reality and so you can’t understand what it is really all about.

If you were studying about Automobile engineering and you have never seen a car engine yet, what sense does it make?

No sense right?


This is because it has no connection to a reality….

This funny thing happened to me too.

I was studying computer science in one of the Federal colleges of education, I was taught everything about the anatomy of computer, programming, data structure and algorithms and lots of other thing, all in theory.

Can you imagine that?

They have a lot of computers in their computer laboratory but they don’t use them!

What nonsense!

That is why school sucks!

It later took me less than six months to learn (from a training outside school and self-learning) many things under computer science which I was unable to learn in 3 years of being in school. How did I achieve that?

I achieved that because there was a mass. There was a computer I could study with, write codes, develop things from the scratch and play around with things that looked impossible for a lot of my then-colleagues.

If you were studying about cars, get a mass of a car.

If you were studying about blogging, get a mass of a real blog.

Yes create one.

If you were studying about poultry attend live seminars of poultry training or visit a poultry farm after reading its trainings or books.

If you were studying about something that cannot be seen physically like the cell or heart etc. you can model it out for easier understanding.

An example of such models is the globe. When studying about the universe, it’s impossible to go out of the earth and see it all at once and study it as well as you want. And so the whole earth got modeled into a small globe that can be touched and seen as identical as the real globe.

The same thing goes for architecture!

Buildings like sky scrapers and towers etc. are modeled with a hard paper for easy explanation.

Get a specimen to study with!

5. Do not skip a gradient.

A gradient is a step by step way of doing something.

When learning, skipping a gradient can cause you a problem in learning, often you will find your-self getting confused.

That’s caused by a skipped gradient. Whenever you are studying, make sure you don’t skip a step or gradient. When you do that, learning will be easy and simple, and studying will be fun for you. However if you skip a gradient then the opposite happens, learning becomes tough and stressful.

6. Understand the misunderstood word.

This is the most common barrier in learning.

You can never really understand what you are studying if you have no idea what the words and terms of that thing means.

You might be studying computer programming and then the lecturer can come in to say something like; ”every programming language has syntax and semantics”

If that was the first time you heard those two words syntax and semantics, your learning will be crippled from that moment. That is because instead of learning, you will be struggling and wondering what these words mean there by stagnating you at a spot.

It takes only few teachers to tell you that syntax are set of rules that must be followed when writing codes and semantics are the meaning of those rules and codes definitions. Only few will explain before they continue….

To avoid such headaches, understand what a word means be for you continue the study.

7. Practice what you learned.

This one of the most important secrets and step in learning anything you want to learn.



And practice they say makes perfect.

I am a living testimony of this step and method, and I can assure you that nothing beats practicing as far as learning process in concerned. Forget about the lies that school indirectly told you, they graded students who could memorize and cram as the best. That is unwise and un-natural.

Learning is faster when you practice that which you are learning.

You gain more experience faster than possible, only when you practice.

8. Teach others what you have learned.

To teach is to learn!

Teaching is also another way of practicing….

It is another way of studying and it moves you to the top with powerful speed. It makes all you know to stick to your head permanently and teaching does more good to you the teacher than the student…..

I understand what I am saying very well, am not missing words.

In school you were taught not to teach others or work as a team to learn, that is why back in those days you will discover that the child labeled as the most brilliant will automatically be possessed with pride. But that is not the best way of learning.

Teaching for a fee or for free depends on you.

Teach others what you have learned.

9. Never stop learning.

Learning is a lifelong process that starts from the day you came to this world till the day you will leave it.

Never in your life be tempted to believe at some points in your life that you have known everything about something.

You will be lying to yourself if you do that, see learning never stops and learning never ends.

Keep learning, keep learning!!

Yes keep learning…..

The ball is now in your court. Play it as you so wish but be wise.

You can learn anything you want to learn , any skill you want to master and be anything you want to be.

Take action today! Else it won’t work.

Bye for now!
