Step 4: Configure Your Blog


If you haven’t installed WordPress yet, go to Step 2 to use my easy WordPress install guide.
Now that you know the basics of your blog, we can get into some more of the details. WordPress is an amazingly powerful tool that allows you to build your blog in just about any way you can imagine.
You’re probably thinking that your blog design looks pretty boring now, right? Not to worry, I will show you how to change the your design and layout in this step, along with a bunch of other cool tips and tricks for personalizing your blog.
 Basic Blog Design
Creating Menus
 Customizing Your Blog Design
 Adding Plugins
 Changing Your User Details
 Changing Your URLs
 Other Helpful Tutorials

What next?

After completing this step you should have a functioning and attractive blog. Again, you can always go back and make additional changes later. There is no need to have everything perfect right away.
Now let’s get to the fun part – writing your blog!  Step 3: How To Use Your Blog>>                     << Step 5: Start Blogging 
