Giving compliments isn't just a nice way to get someone's attention, it's also an easy way to make someone feel good and even make yourself feel good.

That being said, a lot of people probably receive compliments that sound the same over and over — especially if they have a particularly endearing quality.

For the women of one Reddit thread, though, weeding out the best compliments they've ever gotten was easy. We picked our favorites and put them together below, along with a few submissions from the A+ staff!

1. Don't be redundant.
Honest and unique compliments. As a girl, you get a lot of generic ones, such as, "You have really pretty eyes" etc. It's nice to hear, but if you go to enough bars, you hear it a lot.

The first night I met my ex, we were casually talking outside a bar and he interrupted me to say, "You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that? It's rather cute." I blushed right away. It was so unexpected and unique, yet showed he had been discreetly checking me out. I found it incredibly endearing. - PoopsieDoodles

2. "You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that's the least interesting thing about you." - butnoreallyy

3. I don't think there is anything nicer than being called "gorgeous." It just warms my heart, and it's so much more kind than "you're hot," or even "pretty" for that matter. - antiquedsketch

I had a random guy in Memphis once stop me in the street to tell me I was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen. I blushed and mumbled 'thanks' and stammered like a dipshit, and he just smiled at me and kept on walking.

I was a little dressed up, but nothing spectacular, and sure hadn't been fishing for compliments. But that really made my day, the more so because he didn't follow it up by asking for my number or anything. Just that. Awesome. Thanks, random dude. - drtfred

5. "Your hair is so free, never change it. Your hair just adds to your gorgeousness"

6. From a stranger, best compliment was about how she enjoys seeing me when I'm at work: "You are always so happy and kind to people, it's like a big breath of fresh air when I walk into the building and see you here!" - _Ab_Aeterno

7. "You look just like your mom."

My mom passed away when I was 9, so it's the biggest compliment someone could give me.

8.  traditional compliment.

I've found "I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time" always gets a huge smile from women. . . but I've been married now for 12 years, so that may be quite dated! - Edwardian

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