
Have you sit down to ask yourself this delicate question, why do the rich keep getting richer? Most of the time, it’s not because of luck. It’s not because of the family they were born into. It’s not because of the school they graduated from or the seminar they went to.
Wealthy people simply do ordinary things differently.
It may seem unfair, but the fact still remains that the “income gap” between the rich and the poor is increasing day by day and most financial experts only see this tendency continuing with no end in view.
In preparation for this article, I sat down with one of my friend to study the behavior of some wealthy people in our society. Enoch O. a motivational speaker, a manager and also, a young millionaire himself, who dedicates a good portion of his time to helping people become, and stay, wealthy.
In our discussion, I asked Enoch why he thought the income gap was growing high daily. He stated five principal things that wealthy people simply do differently than the remaining rest of the world. Here are those five, in no particular order.
1.         THEY TAKE RISKS
Enoch explains that the wealthiest people he works with routinely “pour water on a paper to see if the paper is still going to be dry” In other words, they try a lot of different things, knowing that a lot of it will fail.
They take those risks because they know that failure is just a step in discovering what will truly work to build more wealth. Furthermore, as Enoch explains, the rejection of those ideas stimulates the wealthy into finding what will work, a blunt contrast to most of the population that simply looks at failure as a road block. 
According to Enoch, “wealthy people don’t look at the money spent on personal growth as an expense, but an investment.” 
While many individuals keep every penny equally, the wealthy understand that tactically investing in themselves will produce a far greater return than any stock, real-estate investment or business venture.
Whether it’s purchasing a book attending business seminars, joining a business group or another source of paid self-improvement, the wealthy see this as advantage and as investment. Do you?
Have you invest in yourself or you’re just living the day as is comes?
A Yoruba adage rightly said “when a leaf stay long around soap it eventually turns to a soap”. In other words, the leaf tends to become a member of whatever it is surrounded with. Also, when the human body gets too hot, it produces sweat in an attempt to cool down. When it becomes too cold, it shivers to produce heat. In other words, the human body is constantly adapting to keep its temperature at the same comfortable spot. This automatic leveling is a biological process known as homeostasis and is found in numerous aspects of life.
From human biology to the temperature of the earth to a car’s cruise control to the thermostat in your house, homeostasis is a fact of life that governs nearly every aspect of your existence. And, as the wealthy have discovered, homeostasis can also be a powerful way to build wealth.
As Enoch stated bluntly to me, “If you want to be rich, row with and hang around rich people.”
Or as comedian Jhyme often says, “If there are four broke people in a room, you’ll be the fifth.”
Wealthy people have discovered that they can grow their wealth simply by relating with those who are even wealthier. We humans are prone to picking up habits and strategies of those in their immediate surroundings, and the wealthy have learned to use this fact to their advantage.
Who do you associate with?
While most of the world is hitting the snooze button 14 times in a row each morning, the wealthy have already begun increasing their net worth.
“Most of the multi-millionaires I know have a dedicated routine, a daily workout, that they do each and every morning,” Enoch says.
This morning routine could include exercise, writing out newly developed ideas, goal reviews, breakfast or whatever else helps them start their days with a bang. They start strong, accomplishing more before noon than more people accomplish in a week.
In my own life, I've found this truth incredibly powerful. A few minutes for dedicated routine every morning is not bad for beginners.
Do you dedicate few minutes in the morning to review your goals?
Finally, according to Enoch, the rich have clearly defined goals and continually review them to track their progress, make changes and develop strategies for meeting those goals. They give themselves a speculated time for them to accomplish such goals. This process of immediate feedback allows the wealthy to make quick changes to their plans to keep the new development in a rapidly-changing world.
While most of the human population gives little to no thought on their futures, the wealthy are reminded daily of where they are headed. Like a worker going to work in a danfo bus (commercial bus), the rich have their road map spread out so they can navigate the fastest, easiest route to their destinations.

Enoch admits that the wealth gap is far more complicated than a simple “five-point blog post.” However, he continually witnesses these five traits guiding the lives of those who are getting richer and has used them in his own life to create multiple businesses and build some serious wealth himself.
These five actions create a positive-feedback cycle that will continue to make the rich richer, and there's no sign of that ceasing. The good news is, however, these five actions are all things that the average Nigerian can put into practice today. Will you?

If you have additions to the above listed, comment below..

