In Nigeria only, millions of graduate are graduating every year. Unemployment rate in the country is getting stronger and higher in proportion. According to research 75% of the yearly graduate in the country are jobless. For you to escape that situation, you will have to start preparing yourself right now. Below are some cogent steps on how to become a rich businessman or woman early in life even from secondary school.
1. Plan Early
Most secondary school student feels that every holiday break is for them to play. Or are you one of them? Holiday break is not for you to play all through. The earlier you start learning new things the better. There are so many handy job you can lay your hands on and learn fast.
Let me tell you my story, while in secondary school, I had in plan to just enter higher institution immediately I graduate from secondary school. Well, all my plans went naught. I cried at home for months. One day, a friend of mine walk up to me and said why am I crying?“it is not how far, it is how well”, can we just utilize our time by learning how to operate a computer. After that, I enrolled in a computer school for 6 months. I really enjoyed my stay in the school. The following year I got my admission. While in school, a big sister connected me to a friend of hers that works in a software company. I worked per time in the place. I made up to N150, 000 in my first three semesters in school. In fact, it was a thing of joy for me. Till today, I pray for my friend indirectly for opening my eyes to see greatness in the middle of crisis. So learn anything worthwhile now so that later in life, it would be an added advantage for you. According to an old saying “No knowledge is a waste”.
2. Apprenticeship
Consider taking an apprenticeship position and allow someone to mentor you. Find out about apprenticeships in the area you think you are good at. You might end up taking over the business one day. Becoming a businessman doesn't mean you have to own your own business. You can be a manager responsible for collaborating with partners, raising cash flow and running an existing business. This is a great way to start gaining experience while you save money to open your own shop.
3. Capital
4. Advantages and Disadvantages
Starting a business right out of secondary school will have its advantages and disadvantages. More than likely, you're younger than the average business owner, so you run the risk of people not taking you seriously. Be firm, mature, confident and diligent. If you have these qualities, you will eventually succeed. Use your experiences as a younger businessman to your advantage. Develop a strong social media presence. Absorb all the experience you can. The younger you start, the more experience you gain and the more competitive you grow.
5. Consider College
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