8 Ways College Students Can Earn Money and Still Make it to Class on Time

We know how it goes. No matter how carefully you’ve budgeted, halfway through the semester, something always comes up. You could use a little extra cash, whether it’s for the book your professor decided to add to the syllabus six weeks into the course, or because you’ve had enough ramen for the rest of your life, and want to spring for a frozen pizza.

Student life is already hard and expensive enough as it is. Most of us had to balance classes and work, and were expected to have good grades. Work study jobs may not provide enough money, or it may all need to go to tuition, and finding a job for just the summer, or that fits into a limited schedule, can be difficult. But by using creativity, it’s entirely possible to get through college with some interesting work experience, great stories, and a little extra cash.

Here are 8 easy ways you can earn a little extra cash without needing to skip class to make it work!

Make Your Skills and Hobbies Work For You
Love graphic design and want to try your hand at making covers? Think you’d be a great editor? Want to write for a living? With Fiverr, you can list any services you want for $5, and add extras that purchasers can add on so that you get paid even more!

Precise, With a High Tolerance For Boredom? Data Entry Is For You!
Companies are often looking for workers who can copy and paste from one document to another without any errors, whenever they upgrade software, change programs, or move from one system to another. It’s monotonous work, and you have to be careful to get everything right, but if you can put up with that, sites like Click Worker can pay you well for your time. This is another great job for when you’re trying to fit in a little extra work between class, school work, and that pesky work-study job. 

Move Furniture and Boxes
If you are comfortable lifting and carrying, you can sign on websites like Movers Corp to provide heavy labor for families or businesses that need extra hand. They provide the truck and supplies, you provide the muscle power. You set your rates, days of availability, and how far you’re willing to travel. Creating an account and listing your services is free.

Sell Unused Electronics
Did you recently upgrade to a new phone, tablet, or laptop? Don’t throw the old one out! First of all, the metals and chemicals in your electronics do not belong in a landfill, but beyond that, there are uses for electronics that still have some life in them! Take a look at what you could earn based on the make and model of your electronics!

Sell Last Year’s Fashions
Love to shop, but run out of room to store this year’s fashions? ThredUp is here to help. Think of this like the great consignment shop down the street, only it’s online. They only take good brands that show little to no wear, but if you’ve got clothes from the last few years that you don’t wear, but are taking up room in your closet, you can turn them into cash. Order a free closet clean up kit and pack up the clothes you want to get rid of. ThredUp takes care of the rest!

Test Websites and Take Surveys
Have free time on your hands between classes? Love to browse the far corners of the Internet? You can get paid for checking out what’s out there, and giving feedback on what you think of websites, user interfaces, and other facets of web development. Here’s a great list of sites that are looking for this sort of work.

Sell Last Semester’s Books
Don’t assume that your college bookstore is the best place to sell your textbooks from last semester; a number of websites allow you to scan the barcodes on your books and then send them in for cash or credit. One such place is Books Counter, but if your shelves have more fiction and pop culture on them, you can try Amazon or Powell’s as well.

Direct Sales
Since so many people interact so regularly on Facebook, we’ve seen an evolution in how direct sales company works. Instead of inviting everyone over to Mom’s house for a Tupperware party, parties happen online. Whatever your passion is, from fashion to beauty to supplements and home products, there’s probably a direct sales company for you. Since everything happens online, it can happen when you have time for it, and the potential for earnings is huge, especially if you can get a few people to sign up below you, or have regular online parties from which you’ll earn commissions.

source: Hufffintonpost