How to Get Happy In An Uncomfortable Stressful Job

According to Forbes, in 2012 about 44 percent of surveyed employees reported feeling unsatisfied with their employment. While the obvious solution might be to seek a new job, for many workers quitting isn’t an option. Fortunately, there are many strategies you can rely on to keep you happy in an otherwise miserable work environment.

Make Friends
The American Psychological Association reports that making friends at work is not only a good way to make your job more bearable, it can also prolong your lifespan. Whether you are new to your job or a long-time employee, take time to ask your coworkers out to lunch or even hang out outside of work. Form close professional relationships, but try to avoid drama or gossip, which will only complicate your work life.

Focus on the Positive
When you catch yourself thinking about the negative aspects of your job, redirect those thoughts to something more positive and look for reasons to feel grateful. For example, maybe you have a good relationship with a couple of clients, or enjoy the simple craft of your job. Even if you have a hard time coming up with positive points, you can always take solace in the fact that you are employed and bringing in some income. When chatting with coworkers, try to steer your conversations toward positive subjects rather than negative ones.

Reward Yourself
Give yourself something to look forward to at the end of the workday. For example, you can make a routine of reading a few chapters from your favorite book or indulging in your favorite dish after work. Consider taking up a new hobby that will provide you with entertainment after work. A hobby that involves physical activity, such as dancing or martial arts, can also serve to rid your body of daily stress.

Plan for the Future
Reassess your career goals and research potential jobs that seem more satisfying than your current one. Even if you can’t afford to quit your job at the moment, you can look to the future for comfort. Seek additional training outside of work to expand your skill set and bolster your chances of finding other work. Aside from dream jobs, you can also brainstorm ideal vacations or events. Take a look at this list before you leave for work everyday, and use it as motivation to get through your day.

Force a Smile
LiveScience reports that the simple act of smiling can actually boost your mood. Research shows that even fake smiles can reduce stress. If you’re having trouble holding up a fake smile, bite down on a pen or pencil, forcing a smile. You might feel silly doing so, but your workday might become more bearable.

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